Habit Change Mechanisms and Speed
The science of habit change is a continually growing field that has morphed many times over since its inception in the late 1800s. While the community first looked at the function of "automaticity" and how behaviors become automatic, it has grown to explore functions of motivation, drive, attitude, interference, and goal-setting.
The Wise Mind
One highly effective strategy in psychology that spread beyond its own domain is the concept of "the wise mind." The term was originally created in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). DBT is a mode of psychotherapy developed to help individuals better self-regulate their own emotions…
Why are People So Confused about Nutrition?
One of the most challenging components of nutrition itself is undoubtedly the confusion surrounding nutrition science. The relentless stream of misinformation, myths, trends, and axioms that are rooted in little-to-no scientific evidence is so severe in nutrition, that its now actually a topic of research itself!
The Art and Science of Self-Assessment
"I couldn't read the label from inside the bottle," my client remarked while she put her chin in her hands, muffling a laugh. "I can't believe I told you that I'm not an emotional eater in our first session. It's the number one problem that's been going on in my food life! I can see it so clearly now.”